Summarization and Querying: SearchWithin uses a local instance of Microsoft's Phi-3 Large Language Model to generate summaries
and allow you to query PDF documents and web pages, allowing you to access and understand content effortlessly and efficiently.
Enhanced Privacy: SearchWithin prioritizes your privacy. Unlike web based solutions, your data never leaves your PC.
Cost-Effectiveness: Unlike online tools that impose monthly charges, there are no fees with SearchWithin.
Expanded Functionality: SearchWithin stands out by enabling you to explore very large PDFs and query local document collections.
Optical Character Recognition (OCR): The OCR feature makes it easy for users to access the contents of scanned documents.
Free Version and Paid Keys: SearchWithin offers a fully functional free version of the software, which displays a sponsor page
upon launch. Users can purchase keys for $9.95 to disable sponsor pages, and any key for Software995's Pdf995, Suite,
or Toolset will also disable the sponsor pages for SearchWithin.